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Best Way To Lose A Match

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:30 am
by snaketail2
How to lose a silhouette match

I thought I should pass on some of the wisdom I’ve gained over the past 22 years of silhouette shooting. I shoot Lever Action Silhouette now, but the ability to lose a match will cross boundaries with all the disciplines. I’ve lost some really important matches, so I have some authority on this subject.

*It goes without saying that if you don’t pack your gun – you won’t have it when you get to the range…been there, done that!
*Make sure you have your ammo ready. I carefully pack my .22 ammo in 100 round dispenser boxes – separated by case head thickness and weight…then put them into UnMarked boxes – so I can’t tell the good one from the bad ones when I get to the range. Same for center fire and pistol cal ammo. Just toss it into a box and figure you’ll remember which is which when the match starts.
*Range Box: make sure it has you score book, Empty Chamber Indicator, earplugs, and assorted “stuff”…then set it on the garage floor and drive off with it on the floor. (You really want to screw things up – remember it when you are 90 minutes out and have to rush back for it…ruins my whole day).
*The night before the match = make sure you drink plenty of beer. Think of it as “Carbo-Loading” like the marathon runners do. Go to bed late and set the alarm clock so you have enough time to jump up, shower and rush off the range…breakfast is for wimps.
*I have a folding chair that sometimes makes it to marches. Its just another thing to keep up with…It is often left behind and I get to stand up all day long – makes those last few banks an easy miss.
*I noticed several years ago that the light is different at every range. Because some are facing east, some north, etc. This means that the “perfect setting” I had at home is going to be off at the new range (If you shoot an all-day match the sun will shift as the day progresses – if you don’t adjust your sights you misses will change sides of the targets – you’ll miss chickens to the left and rams to the right…light forcing). You want to lose the match – don’t allow for the changing light/wind/altitude.
*Mental attitude - if you are worried about something back home your mind won't be in the game. I find it best to piss-off the wife just before I leave...that usually ruins my whole week - I'm sure you can figure out how to do this.
*And, one of the biggies, Be Sure to shoot unfamiliar ammo at the match – a different brand of .22 ammo, a different weight bullet or even a new rifle… Best way to lose that I know.
*There are other ways to lose the big match, but these are my favorites

Perhaps some of other shooters can add to this list of “Ways to Lose a Match”

Ya’ll have a great time at the nationals, and watch our for Raton’s bears.


Re: Best Way To Lose A Match

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:32 pm
by Bob Mc Alice
Nice post snaketail2 ^:)^

Twice I have had to buy another score book at out of town matches. When I travel light with others I now have a check list of all essential range needs. No more leaving stuff behind. When traveling alone, like to Raton next week, every shooting box I own comes along.

Re: Best Way To Lose A Match

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:22 pm
by twidpa
Dress for the weather at the match you are shooting, not at your house 8 hours away. I left Virginia in a tee shirt in 90 degrees. Arrived to shoot at Bradford PA and it was a crisp 42 in the morning.