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My post on Facebook tonight...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:11 pm
by Jason
.. after I got tired of seeing people talking about no one "needing assault rifles" and such...
Tonight's lesson in obvious facts could be entitled "Insanity" or "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

We'll start with a history lesson. Back in 1994, an assault weapons ban was proposed. Those who studied armed crime said that the data clearly showed that armed crime was almost never committed with rifles of any type, "assault" or otherwise. The reason was obvious, of course. Rifles are big and hard to conceal. They're designed for shooting things from farther away than almost armed crime occurs. They are entirely unsuitable for the task. Not deterred by the facts, those pushing the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 pressed on and got it passed by convincing those who did not know any better that it would do what they said it would. Shockingly (or not), it had no effect on armed crime. With no data to support extending it and no national outcry from the masses to "do something about gun violence", it expired ten year later. Without the ban, and with gun ownership on the rise across the country, armed crime rates have continued to drop.

Now we have another assault weapons ban being proposed. Again, the data shows that it will have no effect on armed crime, for the same reason as in 1994 and proven over the ten years during which the ban was in effect. Again undeterred by actual data, those pushing the new assault weapons ban are claiming that it will reduce armed crime. They rouse the masses and claim to be leading the battle against gun violence, gaining much needed time in the spotlight to further political careers. Like magicians at a summer retreat hoping that some of the audience is new and the rest won't remember the same old tricks from previous years, they stand on their stages and do their best to convince us that their magic tricks are real so they get to keep performing instead of going out and getting a job like the rest of us.

That brings us to title dilemma that I mentioned first. It is often said that insanity is doing the same thing the same way multiple times, yet expecting different results. In this case, an assault weapons ban has proven that it does not produce the promised result, yet we are being told that if we do the same thing again that it will produce those results this time. Unlike in 1994, this time around we don't have the excuse of not yet having tried it to find out if it works. We've been fooled once. If we get fooled again, it's not just those who are trying to fool us for their own political gain who are at fault. This time, we would have to choose to be fooled and are therefore partially at fault for it happening.

So which title is more appropriate for this post, and for the assault weapons ban that we're currently being told will reduce armed crime this time? Both are appropriate here, just as I believe that "insane" and "fool" would both apply to anyone that believes (again) that an assault weapons ban will do anything meaningful to reduce armed crime.

If you have made it this far through this and retain only one thing from all of it, make it this. If someone tells you that an assault weapons ban will reduce armed crime, either he is a fool or he thinks that you are one. If you believe it, it's you.
I bet that fires up a few folks on Facebook, but I'm in a BS-dispelling mood. This could be fun. :)

Re: My post on Facebook tonight...

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:49 am
by Bob259
Great post Jason. As I said I truly believe this is just round one, this is ripe for the picking so they are going here first, Round two, when this gets the same results as the first ban, will be we now have to do the same for hand guns that we did for Assault rifles... It's nothing more then a gun grabbing plan that this Admin has been planning for all along.

And for all those nay sayers.... you should have listened.


Re: My post on Facebook tonight...

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:00 pm
by webmaster
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
When freedoms are lost, rarely are they returned.
The political class, when successful in curbing a right, develops an appetite.

Re: My post on Facebook tonight...

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:46 pm
by red-top dakota
GREAT post Jason. I think that the Bible and gun clinging crowd as we are so "affectionately" called by the political and media elite are about to experience the erosion of one of our key amendments to OUR Bill Of Rights. I don't pretend to know nor am I naieve enough to think I know the answers to the so-called gun violence epidemic. Personally I do NOT think that there is one. I do believe the degredation of our country, our citizens, and especially our youth can be traced back to numerous social issues of which the libs and media are so fond of. Namely abortion, euthanasia, animal rights groups bestowing God given human attributes to animals and plants, the list goes on. Several of the markers we are experiencing right now also occured in the days leading up to the full blown nazi regime in Germany. We all know how the confiscation of firearms turned out there. This dovetails with the nazi scenario I just mentioned. This morning on FOX and Friends, Geraldo was on and he could not believe that someone would be against banning hi-cap mags, or registering assault weapons if the govt. would institute these programs for the safety of our children. When he was questioned about the motives of said govt. might be, he more or less stated that we all should trust our govt. I couldn't believe my ears, trust the same govt that has to pass legislation so that they know what is in it. Give me a break, NOT trusting the govt. is exactly the reason for our Bill of Rights. The two keys are freedom of speech, ie (the media should report news and info and let the citizens make a rational decision on that info) and the second ammendment to enforce the will and decisions of the citizens. I know I am preaching to the choir here, but I agree that we have to voice our opinions and not stop, as Mordecai just stated , Liberties and Freedoms lost are rarely returned. If said lost Freedoms and Liberties are returned, it is usually with the help of a firearm. As you see we can not afford to loose any part of this issue, once started it will never end. Thanks for letting me post. Kelly Landis.

Re: My post on Facebook tonight...

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:13 pm
by Bob259
Off one of the blogs today..... Note how we are refered to as Second Amendment freaks... also today Gov Como in NY refered to the NRA as a group of extremist, hope every one sees where this is going and soon. DONATE TO THE NRA TODAY!!!!!!

........"There admittedly was a period of adjustment involved in residence in a state that doesn't permit possession of small explosives such as grenades. But having done so, it's not much of a further adjustment to have the state more stringently regulate or tax another small explosive, the smallest, cheapest but most essential component of all centerfire ammunition, the primer. Second Amendment freaks will never accept firearms regulation, so let's turn their firearms into wall hangers by regulating their access to ammunition. "

Re: My post on Facebook tonight...

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:33 pm
by BCloninger
Taxing ammunition out of existence has been a common suggestion that some have said would be illegal, but let them talk. Eventually, someone complains the NRA is too stubborn, so I refer them back to comments advocating "death by taxes" to illustrate why gun owners are opposed to any restriction.

Re: My post on Facebook tonight...

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:09 pm
by webmaster
Bob259 wrote:........Second Amendment stalwarts will never accept firearms regulation, so let's turn their firearms into wall hangers by regulating their access to ammunition. " [/color]
Guns and ammo are "ARMS", as bows and arrows are "ARMS", as in "The right to bear ARMS"... short-sighted dim-bulbs...

Re: My post on Facebook tonight...

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:46 pm
by Another Dang 9
The real problem as I see it is that liberals have pumped their kids full of dangerous prescription drugs and set them loose on society. When are they going to admit we have a mental health issue not a gun problem.