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The divorce is final - Lever from Handgun!

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:29 pm
by webmaster
They have always merited their own forums, but I stringently believe in a forum website having as few categories listed as possible (huge lists create confusion and headaches).

That said, its time to separate them and let them run their separate course. Feel free to cross-post if you think you'll get a better response on topics such as certain cartridge loads that may work in both Lever and Handgun.

By the powers invested in me by the ownership of all things Steelchicken, I do hereby decree that at the end of 2009, Handgun and Levers shall live in their own homes. :-B

Re: The divorce is final - Lever from Handgun!

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:53 pm
by Innocent
I say that you are bored with too much time on your hands mordecai!!! Must be cold and the boys are driving you nuts.

Innocent M