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Question: Largest Independent CONUS Match

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:14 pm
by atomicbrh
Who has the largest, independent 2- or 3-day metallic silhouette tournament in the 48 United States with fun, prizes and awards but no sanctioning body just run by a local club or individual range owner?

Re: Question: Largest Independent CONUS Match

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:56 pm
by dhatch
Well. The Coop is the largest indoor silhouette tournament. Lol. Does that count? =)) =)) =))

Re: Question: Largest Independent CONUS Match

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:18 pm
by atomicbrh
The coop shoot is sanctioned by a sanctioning body. Does not fit the question.
You have exhibited the high skill set necessary to promote a successful match i.e. Shameless plug of your match. :lol:

Re: Question: Largest Independent CONUS Match

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:57 pm
by dhatch
Lol :ar! You saw right through me! Y’all don’t forget. It’s the last weekend in February. Y’all come!

Re: Question: Largest Independent CONUS Match

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:23 am
by acorneau
I can't think of a single large match that might have some kind of prizes that isn't sanctioned by the NRA in some way.

This sport isn't big enough in popularity to have events that aren't tied into an organizing body of some sort.

If you think about it, any independent match/event that isn't sanctioned by an organization doesn't have to follow anyone's rules, so would it even be a silhouette match as we know it or some goofy, home-brewed rimfire competition shooting various items from a bench?


Re: Question: Largest Independent CONUS Match

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:03 am
by cedestech
acorneau wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:23 am I can't think of a single large match that might have some kind of prizes that isn't sanctioned by the NRA in some way.

This sport isn't big enough in popularity to have events that aren't tied into an organizing body of some sort.

If you think about it, any independent match/event that isn't sanctioned by an organization doesn't have to follow anyone's rules, so would it even be a silhouette match as we know it or some goofy, home-brewed rimfire competition shooting various items from a bench?

get back to shooting slacker...

Re: Question: Largest Independent CONUS Match

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:07 am
by atomicbrh
Yep. We must be important if he is replying during the national matches.
A disciplined match director/club can have rules and stick to them. Rules just have to be announced beforehand.
Shooting matches have been held successfully without sanctioning bodies for hundreds of years. Shoots for livestock on the hoof as prizes were common in all parts of the world when things were more agriculture and ranch oriented. There were shoots for plates (ceramic) in Germany and other European countries. They had rules and were run by individuals. Silhouette rules have been fairly standardized for decades.
I have always envisioned a straight up match without the typical classes but give trophies out to like 30th place and make sure good, tangible prizes are given out to 31st on down. That does away with having to pull data from another sanctioning body for class structure. Just because it has been done one way for years, does not mean it cannot be held another way occasionally.