Just something to ponder and maybe increase your scores.

Centerfires, rimfires, pistol cartridges and everything in between.
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Just something to ponder and maybe increase your scores.


Turkeys, I truly have a dislike of turkeys. I can hit them, I can turn them, oh yes I can turn them and I can miss them. While I have gotten 10 in a row in pistol caliber and rimfire lever action this is not the norm. Many times I have been doing quite well, happy with myself only to fall apart at the turkey line.
I "like" starting at chickens. Front to back, adjusting sights up a bit for every animal change. This seems like a logical order to me.
This past Saturday I got my third master class score in pistol caliber and my 2nd in rimfire. While putting away my score cards and looking at my records it hit me. All five master class scores were earned when starting on turkeys. This can not be just a coincidence. I don't believe in superstitious things like eating the same breakfast/wearing the same pants..... Some how starting on my nemesis , the turkey has a positive affect on my shooting??
I post this not looking for answers. Comment if you want to. Ponder the implications, let me know if this helps or if you noticed something like this.
Instead of starting where you "like" to, start where you tend to get the highest overall score. This of course is when and where you get to choose.
In the days of old when men were bold, and a quarter was still worth a dime.
Maryland's Eastern Shore
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